Kusa Cast – A Conversation with Cathy Entwistle and Nick Fox

Kusa Cast – A Conversation with Cathy Entwistle and Nick Fox

The tourism industry in South Africa has been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, with limited help assistance to support struggling businesses. Despite the challenges, there is still a strong desire for travel to South Africa, particularly for wine tourism and safaris.

In a recent episode of the Kusa Cast, “A Conversation with Cathy Entwistle and Nick Fox,” the challenges facing the tourism industry in South Africa were discussed, along with potential solutions to revive the industry.

Cathy Entwistle, owner of Val du Charron Wine and Leisure estate in Wellington, shared her experience of buying a wine farm and expanding to four and five-star accommodation with plans to add more family rooms. Nick Fox, who owns Sibuya Game Reserve highlighted the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of unexpected challenges.

To revive the tourism industry, the government needs to prioritise tourism and work with banks to provide financing for businesses in the industry. The revival of South African Airways (SAA) is seen as crucial for the tourism industry, as it would help bring more flights into the country and promote the national flag.

Starting a tourism or winemaking business in South Africa is challenging and requires significant investment and infrastructure, but it is important for job creation and the growth of the economy. The advice given is to have a dream, believe in oneself, and seek mentorship from experienced individuals in the industry.

Despite the challenges, there is still a strong desire for travel to South Africa. t is important for the government and banks to provide support to struggling businesses in the tourism industry to help revive the economy and create jobs. The potential for tourism to drive economic growth and job creation is significant, and it is vital that the government and industry work together to overcome the challenges faced by the industry.

Tune in to hear how Cathy and Nick have managed to survive and come out stronger on the other side, and get inspired to pursue your dreams in the tourism and winemaking industry!

Learn more about Val du Charron here, and more about Sibuya Game Reserve here.


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